
Saturday, 26 November 2011

Afternoon everyone! I've just had one of the longest sleeps of my life, it was amazing! My friend's parents treated us to dinner last night, we ate like Kings and then came home to reality, our student house aka fridge house. It's getting colder and colder, I moan about it but weirdly quite enjoy it! I love wrapping up, I feel like a maid from Downton Abbey or something. So strange. It's always so hot at (real)home I can only last two minutes in pjs, hoody, socks, dressing gown…and so on. But here, layers are a necessity. I wonder when the fun of it will wear off and the endless self-pity calls to my mum will start. 
I missed October's Vogue so going to catch up now with coffee. The plan is to do some research for an essay after, then going to visit some friend's for an Xfactor party, what's everyone else doing? X


  1. hopefully doing a bit of thrift shopping, going to lunch, doing a haul post, and later a friend's band is having a concert and a wicked after party!
    100 Follower Dior Mascara Giveaway!

  2. Thank you for following your blog i'm following you too.

  3. vogue and coffee! That sounds like a great time. :)

    <3Chelsea Elizabeth

  4. Sounds fun, what kind of band is it? And let us know of any pieces of gold you find whilst shopping!
    Thanks Bea, it's a pleasure, thank you too!
    And yes Chelsea, it was the perfect thing to wake up to this morning! LoXXX

  5. you look so cozy, im jealous. Love the rings & sweater

  6. such a cozy sweater :) thanks for following :) following back!


  7. lol i meant following my blog :) sorry for the typo.

  8. Amazing photo. The Vogue in your handebol is just the final and perfect detail :)
    Nice blog, I'm your new follower!


  9. Ahh empty fridges and cold at night... I already miss my crappy dorm. Not.
    Okay, it had its charms... But I prefer my cosy warm bed and full fridge. :D

    I seriously need to get myself a superlong catch up sleep. So exhausted from getting up early every day!

    Hope you had a great weekend! X

  10. the jumper is sooo cozy you are all right. I'm thinking maybe a little too cozy, I can't seem to stay awake in it!!! Thanks for all the comments guys, love reading them!! xxxx

  11. love the little cup ♥

  12. Love your style you remind me of an old friend Lauren. xoxo

  13. i love this picture; perfect cosy jumper, lovely rings and a magazine. ooh and an X Factor party is such a good idea! lovely blog, following! :)

    ♥mollie from musicandmollie

  14. Sounds just like my house, it's so cold I'm presently wearing 3 pairs of tights, jogging bottoms [classy], a bodysuit, two tops, a hoody and my dressing gown. I literally look like I ate another person. Only difference is I'm really not enjoying it!! Love your jumper & ring :) x

  15. amazing bllog!Keep posting!I followed you!
    Would you like to take a look at my blog?

  16. The mug is the perfect size, with my bedroom being on the top floor and kitchen on the ground! The Xfactor party was sooo good, we watched marley and me afterwards though and cried for about a day afterwards! has anyone seen it??
    and wow three pairs of tights, that sounds intense! My mum just bought me some thermal tights! feel like a granny but honestly they are life saving, please find some!
    Thanks for all the comments guys, it makes blogging so much more fun!XXX
